
Sharing advertisements, free of charge, increases traffic, and promotes websites

Development and rights: dugoly

General Explanation

The component shows an advertisement of one of the advertising partners, that is, of another user who has implemented this component.
And depending on the number of times advertisements are displayed on your site, your advertisements will also be displayed on other publisher sites.
The number of impressions that your ad will show is not pre-charged and we estimate that on average for all users, it will be about 90% of the number of times they have shown other users’ ads.
However, the system reserves the right to refine the number of clicks on your site, and their quality towards other users, as well as any other consideration we deem appropriate.


npm install --save dugoly-shared-advertising


import React from 'react'

import  Ads  from 'dugoly-shared-advertising'

const App = () => {
  return (<div>



export default App

3 props, required.

* imgPath - will contain the link to the image, this link must be in the easydone.online interface, and see note
* link- will contain the link, on which you will click on the link
* language - will contain the language of the publication, the languages currently active are: ar, ch, en, fr, he, ru
* Additional props, optional -resize- get a boolean value, 
  if the value is true the size of the ad will be adjusted to the size of the parent component (the default is false)


Note: The image address is also the user ID and therefore - when uploading an image to easydone.online, it is recommended to do so by the publisher’s permission to enter,
It may later be possible to change the advertising information directly from dugoly.com in which case a user ID will be required, and the account holder of the image will have the authority to update the advertising information.


Advertisements displayed on localhost will not entitle the user to advertising against them.

Advertising only supports images stored in the easydone.online interface!
Images can be uploaded to the easydone.online system using dugoly at the link: https://dugoly.com/managementInterface/uploader/

We reserve the right to stop displaying ads of a user who raises the suspicion that he is not acting in accordance with the rules published by us or in accordance with the rules of fairness, or for any other reason that seems appropriate, and without notice and without having to make explanations to the user.
Used in this component is in accordance with the changing rules that will appear from time to time on the dugoly website, and in any case there will be no claim against us for any use of this component

More details on this component can be found at: https://dugoly.com/Documentation/readme/dugoly-shared-advertising.html

Additional libraries

To view dugoly’s list of libraries click here


MIT © omershiran motto - Application and website development